Trusted Skill Shop

Google App Install Campaigns and Management with a Step-by-step Guide

Google app install campaigns direct users to your app’s listing on either the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. These ads also appear on Google Search and Display Networks, as well as on YouTube. Our expert team will help you run effective ad campaigns to promote your app, from selecting the right strategies to achieving effective results.

28 January, 2024

What is Google App Install Ads? All Basics to Best Practices

To know more about Google App Install Ads in details and how App Install Ads help to grow your business, here are some important topics about it, and to know their in detail click on Table of Contents.

What is app install campaign in Google Ads?

Google app install ads to let people install your app directly from the ad. These ads may change a bit depending on where they appear to give audiences a great experience no matter when or where they see them. Google does this to ensure the ads work well and provide people with a positive experience.

App Campaigns for Installs (ACi) will display these ads until the user completes the desired download action the campaign is designed for.

How Google app install ads works

To maximize the benefits of each download, Google app campaigns automatically handle targeting and bidding for you.You have the option to optimize your campaign targeting to concentrate on finding valuable users who perform actions you consider important, such as in-app conversion.

On the Search and Display Networks

On Google Play

On the Display Network

On Google Discover

Specs for Google app install ads

Here are some common Google app install ads specs you should keep in mind.

Text (required)

  • Minimum of 3 headlines and 1 description.
  • End each text asset with punctuation (see policy guideline).
  • Keep headlines and descriptions within the character limits.
  • Ensure each text asset has a clear value proposition.
  • Avoid repeating messages, and make each asset unique.

Images (optional)

The allowed image sizes (in pixels) are:

  • 320 x 50
  • 320 x 480
  • 480 x 320
  • 300 x 250
  • 1200 x 628


The difference in image aspect ratios should not exceed 1%. The maximum file size permitted is 1MB, and the images should not contain any text, except for logos.

Video (optional)

  • Maximum of 20 videos
  • Each video must be provided as a full YouTube URL
  • Videos should have a minimum duration of 10 seconds.
  • You can upload as many videos as possible, up to a maximum of 20 per ad group.

How to create an app install campaign (steps by steps)

Google app install campaigns best practices

Optimize your assets

To attract users effectively, use various assets in your campaigns. This way, you can see what appeals to them the most, and helps Google show your ads on more and more platforms.

  • Video: Choose a diverse selection in length and orientation, and include a clear call to action. Showing your app in action can boost user engagement and conversions.
  • Image: Go for impactful and high-quality visuals in popular sizes to catch user attention.
  • Text: Remember to vary your texts while keeping it clear and concise. Avoid frequent changes to let the AI optimize over time.


To organize, and group themes separately for insights on what works best with different users.

Ensure assets make sense individually & combined, as Google may display them in different combinations.

Choose the right bidding strategy

When choose an objective for your ad campaign, you have two main options:

  • Cost per Install (CPI):

Select this if you focus on generating app installs from app campaigns. You can bid a specific amount you are willing to pay for each installation.

  • Cost Per Action (CPA):

This means deciding how much money you want to pay whenever someone does a particular action on your app. You can select from various post-install actions like app launch, registration, purchasing specific items, and more.

At “Trusted Skill Shop” we’re Google Ads experts who have helped many customers run app install campaigns successfully. With our experience, we know the best strategies to choose for each client’s needs. The results we achieved are really good, almost as good as the industry benchmarks ($0.93 in average mobile app CPI). Let’s work together and achieve great success with your app install campaign.

Track campaign performance

A minimum of 100 conversions is ideal as it provides enough data to assess cost per conversion and make informed decisions for your next actions. To increase your conversions, you can consider raising your target bid and budget. Alternatively, you may opt to decrease your bid to improve your return on investment.

According to our experience, after setting up your campaign, it may take about a few days for the Google algorithm to thoroughly analyze your ads performance and suggest improvements to enhance the campaign.

Pros and Cons of App Install Campaign

Pros of Google Ads App Install Campaign:

  • Targeted Reach: Reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more, ensuring your ads are seen by potential interested audiences.
  • Easy Setup: User-friendly interface for setting up app install campaigns, making it simple for advertisers to start.
  • Tracking and Analytics: Detailed tracking and analytics for monitoring campaign performance and making data-driven optimizations.
  • Cost Control: Set a budget to manage spending and avoid overspending.
  • Multiple Ad Format: Use various ad formats (text, image, video) for engaging and compelling ads.

Cons of Google Ads App Install Campaign:

  • Cost Per Install: Acquiring new users can be expensive, impacting the overall return on investment.
  • Ad Fatigue: Frequence exposure to ads may lead to user ad fatigue and reduced engagement.
  • Limited Ad Space: Limited screen space makes it challenging to stand out among the competing apps.
  • App Retention: Initial installs do not guarantee long-term audience retention; a retention strategy is necessary.
  • Ad Blocking: Some people with ad blockers may not see your app install ads.

Final words

These powerful Google app install campaigns are designed to drive app installations and boost visibility on both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to scale app’s growth and expand your user base. Join us on this journey!


We hope this guide has helped you understand what Google App Install ads is, why we should use it, and how it works. If you need any further information, don’t hesitate to contact us.