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Optimize your Campaigns Perfectly with Facebook Pixel and Conversion API

Facebook Pixel & Conversion API are vital for online businesses. Pixel tracks user actions, optimizing ads for better targeting and measuring ad performance. Conversion API enhances data accuracy by directly sending info to Facebook, ensuring seamless tracking, improved insights, and effective ad optimization. Sustain & grow your online business with these powerful tools.

7 March, 2024

Facebook Pixel & Conversion API all Basics to Advance

Why Facebook pixel and conversion API is most important for Facebook ads?

The Facebook Pixel and Conversions API are crucial for Facebook Ads for two main reasons: accurate data collection and improved campaign optimization. Here’s a breakdown of their individual contributions and why they’re most important:

Facebook Pixel:

Tracks website conversions: The pixel, a code snippet placed on your website, monitors user actions like purchases, signups, and more. This provides insights into how effective your ads are at driving desired outcomes.

Builds targeted audiences: By understanding user behavior on your website, the pixel allows you to create targeted ad campaigns reaching individuals more likely to be interested in your offerings.

Re-engages website visitors: You can leverage the pixel to retarget people who have already interacted with your website with relevant ads, reminding them about your products or services.

Remarketing: Facebook Pixel lets you retarget website visitors with personalized ads on Facebook & Instagram (owned by Meta). They see ads for products they viewed, reminding them of your brand and driving sales. Pixel tracks actions like add-to-carts, so you can target users at different stages of the buying journey with relevant offers.

Facebook Conversions API:

Overcomes data limitations: With the rise of privacy concerns and browser restrictions, the API offers a more reliable way to collect conversion data. It bypasses browser limitations and works by sending conversion information directly from your server to Facebook.

Ensures data accuracy: The API provides a more secure and controlled data collection method, minimizing the impact of factors like ad blockers or disabled cookies that can hinder pixel tracking.

Captures broader conversion data: The API allows you to send data beyond website conversions, including app activity, in-store purchases, or phone calls, giving you a more holistic view of your campaign’s effectiveness.

While both tools serve distinct purposes, using them together offers the most significant advantages:

Comprehensive data: The combination provides a more complete picture of your ad performance, encompassing both website and broader conversion activities.

Enhanced targeting: With richer data, you can create more precise audience segments for your ads, leading to better campaign results.

Improved campaign optimization: By understanding how your ads influence conversions across different touchpoints, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.

Remarketing: Facebook Conversions API (CAPI) supercharges your remarketing by giving you more accurate conversion data. It bypasses cookie blockers and iOS privacy changes, tracks app and offline sales, and even lets you send additional customer details for sharper targeting. This means you reach the right people at the right time with relevant ads, boosting campaign performance and conversions.

The correct method for this is of course to set up in a very advanced way through “Google Tag Manager (GTM)”.

The Facebook Pixel and Conversions API are individually the “most important,” because they are complementary tools that, when used together, empower you to measure, target, and optimize your Facebook Ads campaigns effectively, ultimately leading to better return on investment (ROI).

Warning! Warning! Warning letter for all entrepreneurs about Facebook Pixel and Conversion API.


Many people set up the Facebook Pixel and Conversion API by installing various plugins on the website, but this is not the correct rule and many important data mismatches happen. For these reasons, Meta can’t get the right customer behavior and information and can’t optimize ad campaigns, which is why the ads campaign may get zero results.
The correct method for this is of course to set up in a very advanced way through “Google Tag Manager (GTM)”.

Facebook recommended Events and Custom Events with Parameters, Event Deduplication, Improve Events Match Quality.

Recommended Events and Parameters for Facebook Ads (E-commerce Businesses)

Facebook Pixel tracks user behavior on your website and provides valuable data for optimizing your Facebook Ads campaigns. Here are the required events with their corresponding parameters for e-commerce businesses:

View Content: This event tracks when a user views a specific product page.


  • Content id: Unique identifier for the product (SKU, product ID)
  • Content name: Name of the product
  • Content type: Category of the product (e.g., clothing, electronics)
  • Currency: Currency of the product price (e.g., USD, EUR)
  • value: Price of the product


Add To Cart: This event tracks when a user adds a product to their shopping cart.


  • Content id: Unique identifier for the product (SKU, product ID)
  • Content name: Name of the product
  • Content type: Category of the product (e.g., clothing, electronics)
  • Currency: Currency of the product price (e.g., USD, EUR)
  • value: Price of the product


Initiate Checkout: This event tracks when a user enters the checkout flow.


  • Content id: Unique identifier for the product (SKU, product ID)
  • Content name: Name of the product
  • Content type: Category of the product (e.g., clothing, electronics)
  • Currency: Currency of the product price (e.g., USD, EUR)
  • value: Total order value


Purchase: This event tracks when a user completes a purchase.


  • Content id: Unique identifier for the product (SKU, product ID)
  • Content name: Name of the product
  • Content type: Category of the product (e.g., clothing, electronics)
  • Value : Total order value
  • Currency: Currency of the order value
  • Transaction id: Unique identifier for the purchase


Additional Notes:

  • It’s highly recommended to set up the Facebook Conversion API alongside the Pixel for more reliable data tracking.
  • Consider including additional optional parameters based on your specific needs, such as brand, size, color, etc.
  • Ensure data consistency between your website and Facebook product feed for accurate product information.


For more detailed information and a complete list of available parameters, refer to the official Facebook documentation: Source

Custom events for ecommerce business to run Facebook ads

Custom events with well-defined parameters can be incredibly powerful for enhancing conversions in your Facebook ad campaigns. Here are some key areas to consider when creating custom events:

View Content: Track when a user views a specific product page.

Parameters : 

  • product ID, name, 
  • category, and price.


Add to Wishlist: Capture when a user adds a product to their Wishlist. 

Parameters : 

  • same parameters as “View content”.


Add to Cart: Capture when a user adds a product to their cart. Include product details and quantity added.


  • value: This is the total price of the item(s) being added to the cart, including taxes (if applicable).
  • currency: The currency used for the value (e.g., USD, EUR).
  • Content name: The name of the product being added.
  • Content id: A unique identifier for the product (e.g., SKU).
  • Content type: The type of product (e.g., “product,” “service”).


Remove from cart : Track customers who added the product to the cart and removed it.


  • Content ID (likely a product ID)
  • Content Name (product name)
  • Content Category (broader category the product belongs to)
  • Value (price of the removed item)
  • Currency (currency the price is in)
  • Cart ID (unique identifier for the shopping cart)


Initiate Checkout: Track when a user starts the checkout process. Include the number of items in the cart and estimated total order value.


  • value: This is the estimated total order value (including tax and shipping) at the time checkout begins.
  • currency: The currency code used for the order value (e.g., USD, EUR).
  • Num items: The total number of items in the shopping cart.


Abandoned Cart: Track when users leave the checkout process without completing the purchase. Include the reason for abandonment if available (e.g., entered a coupon code, required account creation).


  • Value : The total value of the abandoned cart, including tax and shipping.
  • currency : The currency used for the value parameter (e.g., USD, EUR, BDT).
  • Content name : The name of each product in the abandoned cart.
  • Content id : The unique identifier for each product in the abandoned cart (e.g., SKU, product ID).
  • Content type : The category of each product in the abandoned cart (e.g., apparel, electronics).


Purchase: Track successful purchases. Include order details like total value, number of items, and payment method.


  • value (currency): This is the total order value of the purchase. It’s crucial to include a value and currency for accurate reporting and optimization.
  • Content type: Set to “product” for purchases.
  • Content id: The unique identifier(s) of the purchased product(s).
  • Content name: The name(s) of the purchased product(s).


Customer Reviews: Track when a user submits a product review. Include the product name, rating, and review content.


  • Event name: Set this to “custom review” (or a similar descriptive name)
  • Event time: Include the timestamp of when the review was submitted (in ISO 8601 format)
  • Event source URL: The URL of the page where the review was submitted (optional, but recommended)


Remember, these are just examples, and the best custom events for your business will depend on your specific goals and offerings. When setting up your events, ensure you include relevant parameters that provide context and allow for further segmentation within your Facebook Ads campaigns. This will help you target your ads more effectively and optimize for conversions.

Recommended Events and Parameters for Facebook Ads (service-oriented business)

Requirements events (also known as conversion events)) with parameters are crucial for tracking the effectiveness of your Facebook ad campaigns for service-oriented businesses. Here’s a breakdown:

Requirements Events:

These are specific actions you want people to take after seeing your ads. However, since you offer services, these actions likely won’t involve directly purchasing a product. Here are some examples relevant to service-oriented businesses:

Contact Us: This event fires when someone submits a contact form or initiates a chat conversation from your website after clicking your ads.


  • Service Type: (e.g., consultation, cleaning type) 
  • Appointment Length
  • Quote Value
  • Lead Source: (organic website traffic, referrals).

Request a quote: This event tracks when someone fills out a form requesting a quote for your services.


  • Service Type: (e.g., consultation, cleaning type) 
  • Appointment Length
  • Quote Value
  • Lead Source: (organic website traffic, referrals).

Sign Up for Trial: If you offer a free trial for your service, this event tracks those sign-ups originating from your ads.


  • Service Type: (e.g., consultation, cleaning type) 
  • Appointment Length
  • Quote Value
  • Lead Source: (organic website traffic, referrals).


By setting up relevant requirements events with parameters, you gain valuable insights into how your Facebook ads are performing for your service-oriented business. This allows you to refine your campaigns and maximize your return on investment.

Custom events for service-oriented businesses to run Facebook ads

Here are some powerful Custom Events with parameters for your service-oriented business to run targeted Facebook Ads:

Service Viewed :


  • Service Category (e.g., consulting, repair, cleaning) 
  • Service Name (specific service offered)


Service Quote Requested :


  • Service Category, 
  • Requested Quote Value (optional)


Service Appointment Booked:


  • Service Category, 
  • Appointment Date & Time, 
  • Booking Channel (e.g., website, phone)


Service Customization (if applicable):


  • Customization details (e.g., chosen options)


Service Add-on Selected (if you offer add-on services):


  •  Add-on Name

Helpful Content Viewed (if you have blog posts, guides, etc.):


  • Content Category, 
  • Content Title


By using these Custom Events strategically, you can create powerful Facebook ad campaigns that re-target your audience with relevant and personalized messages, ultimately leading to increased conversions and sales for your service-oriented business.

Recommended Events and Parameters for Facebook Ads (Blogs Sites)

Facebook Ads for blogs leverage events (actions users take on your site) and parameters (details about those actions) to target the right audience and track campaign success. Here’s a breakdown:

These aren’t strictly required, but are highly recommended, for optimizing your campaigns. Facebook offers standard events you can install using the Facebook Pixel, a code snippet placed on your blog. Here are some key events for blogs:


Requirements Events:

View Content: Tracks someone viewing a specific blog post.


  • Content name: (for View Content event).
  • Search string: (for Search event).
  • value & currency: (for Add To Cart) If applicable, price and currency of downloadable content.


Search: Captures users searching within your blog.


  • Content name: (for View Content event).
  • Search string: (for Search event).
  • value & currency: (for Add To Cart) If applicable, price and currency of downloadable content.


Subscribe: Records someone subscribing to your email list or RSS feed.


  • Content name: (for View Content event).
  • Search string: (for Search event).
  • value & currency: (for Add To Cart) If applicable, price and currency of downloadable content.


Add To Cart (optional for non-e-commerce): Useful if you offer downloadable content or subscriptions.


  • Content name: (for View Content event).
  • Search string: (for Search event).
  • value & currency: (for Add To Cart) If applicable, price and currency of downloadable content.


Utilize Facebook Conversions API for more robust data tracking, especially with iOS privacy updates limiting cookie data. Use custom parameters for specific needs. For example, track a parameter like “category” to differentiate between blog post types (e.g., tech, lifestyle).

Regularly review event match quality scores in Facebook Ads Manager. A higher score indicates Facebook can better match website events to user profiles for improved targeting.

By implementing these requirements and best practices, you’ll gain valuable insights into how users interact with your blog content and optimize your Facebook ad campaigns for better results.

Custom events for blogs sites content to run Facebook ads

You can leverage custom events with parameters to track specific blog content interactions and use that data for targeted Facebook Ads. Here are some custom events with parameters for blog content that you can use to run Facebook Ads:

Content View: This event fires when a user views a specific blog post.


  • Content name : Title of the blog post
  • Content category : Category of the blog post (e.g., marketing, tech)
  • Content id : Unique identifier for the blog post


Content Engagement: This event fires when a user interacts with a blog post in a specific way. Examples of interaction include:


  • Content name : Title of the blog post
  • Content category : Category of the blog post (e.g., marketing, tech)
  • Content id : Unique identifier for the blog post
  • Engagement type : Type of engagement (e.g., comment, share, scroll depth)
  • value (number – optional): For scroll depth, you could use a value between 0 and 100 to represent the percentage scrolled. For time spent reading, you could use the number of seconds.


Content Search: This event fires when a user searches for content on your blog.


  • Search term : The term the user searched for content on your website.


By using these custom events and parameters, you can track how users interact with your blog content and then use that data to target your Facebook Ads more effectively.  For example, you could create an ad campaign that targets users who have viewed a specific blog post category or who have engaged with a post by commenting or sharing it.

Deduplication for Meta pixel and Conversion API events

When you use both Meta Pixel and Conversion API (CAPI) to track events on your website, there’s a chance of double-counting conversions. This happens because the same event might be sent from both the browser (pixel) and your server (CAPI). To prevent this, Meta offers deduplication methods.

The Meta pixel and Conversions API let you share standard and custom events with us so that you can measure and optimize ad performance. The pixel lets you share web events from a web browser, while the Conversions API lets you share web events directly from your server.

If you connect website activity using both the pixel and Conversions API, Facebook may receive the same events from the browser and the server. If Facebook knows that the events are the same and therefore redundant, Facebook can keep one and discard the rest. This is called deduplication.

Facebook recommends that you deduplicate your events as a best practice for using the Conversions API. Share the same events from both the browser and the server (deduplication is necessary):

 For example, you send the same purchase events from the browser as you do from the server. This may help recover events that aren’t received by the Meta pixel. If your redundant browser and server events aren’t deduplicated, you will see two purchases appear in your report (one sent from the browser and one sent from the server) when only a single purchase has occurred. Deduplication is necessary in this instance so that the same purchase doesn’t show up twice in your reporting.

Improve Facebook Event Match Quality

What is Meta Event Match Quality?

Event Match Quality is a metric that gauges how well the customer data you send Facebook helps them connect website events to specific user profiles. In simpler terms, it reflects how accurately Facebook can match someone who clicked on your ad to the person who took an action on your website (like a purchase).

How Does it Work?

Facebook relies on customer information parameters you send along with website event data. These parameters act like clues, helping Facebook link website events to user profiles. The more and more accurate these clues are, the better the match quality.

Here’s an example: Imagine tossing a ball (the event) into a crowd (Facebook users) and needing to find the person who threw it (the website visitor). The more details you provide about the thrower (email, phone number), the easier it is for Facebook to identify them in the crowd.


Benefits of Improving Event Match Quality:

There are several advantages to striving for a high Event Match Quality score:

Event Match Quality uses a score (ranging from 0 to 10) or a letter grade (Great, Good, Okay, Poor) to indicate how well your data matches Facebook users. 

Accurate Attribution: Better Event Match Quality allows Facebook to precisely attribute conversions to your ad campaigns. This means you can see which ads are truly driving results and optimize your spending accordingly.

Enhanced Ad Performance: When Facebook understands your audience better, it can deliver your ads to people more likely to be interested. This can lead to improved click-through rates, conversions, and overall campaign performance.

Lookalike Audience Targeting: High Event Match Quality  Provides Facebook with a clearer picture of your ideal customer. This allows them to create more accurate “lookalike audiences” – groups of people similar to your existing customers who are more likely to convert.

Domain Verification with Facebook Conversion API.

In the context of Facebook advertising, domain verification is the process of confirming that you own and have control over the website domain where you plan to use the Facebook Conversion API. This involves adding a specific code snippet to your website’s code or uploading a verification file to your server.

Why is domain verification necessary with the Conversion API?

There are several reasons why Facebook requires domain verification for the Conversion API:

  • Enhanced security and data integrity: Verification helps prevent unauthorized parties from injecting malicious code or manipulating conversion data on your website. This safeguards both you and your users.
  • Improved measurement and attribution: By verifying your domain, Facebook can accurately associate conversion events with your specific website and ad campaigns. This leads to more reliable and insightful data for campaign optimization.
  • Compliance with evolving privacy regulations: As data privacy regulations become stricter, Facebook needs to ensure it is collecting data from legitimate sources and with proper consent. Domain verification helps them comply with these regulations.

What happens if you don’t verify your domain?

While it’s not mandatory at the moment, Facebook is phasing out pixel-based conversion tracking and encouraging advertisers to switch to the Conversion API. If you don’t verify your domain, you might face: 

  • Loss of access to conversion data: You may no longer be able to track conversions (like purchases or sign-ups) happening on your website through Facebook ads.

Limited campaign optimization capabilities: Without accurate conversion data, you won’t be able to effectively optimize your Facebook ad campaigns for desired outcomes.

Domain validation is crucial to effectively using the Facebook Conversion API. A lot of important data gets lost if domain verification is not done. It’s ensures data security, improves measurement accuracy and helps comply with evolving privacy regulations.

What is Facebook Pixel and Conversions API?

Facebook Pixel:

The Facebook pixel is a tracking tool that helps businesses measure the effectiveness of their advertising on the Facebook platform. It allows you to track user interactions on your website after they’ve clicked on a Facebook ad, helping you analyze and optimize your ad campaigns by providing insights into user behavior and conversions.

Conversions API:

Facebook Conversions API, also known as Facebook CAPI or Meta Conversions API, is a server-side tool designed to help businesses accurately track conversions and optimize ad campaigns even in a privacy-focused environment. It’s designed to help businesses deliver personalized advertising experiences to audiences, all whilst maintaining data privacy. This tool allows you to send web events from their respective servers, directly to Facebook. The entire process is achieved without a reliance on browser-based tools, including cookies. The intention of Meta Conversion API is to exist on the server side of your website (as the previous name suggests), sending events to the browser pixel that has been installed. 

How Does Facebook Pixel and Conversions API Work?

Facebook Pixel:

The Facebook pixel works by placing a small piece of code on your website. When someone interacts with your website and takes an action (like making a purchase), the pixel triggers and reports this action back to Facebook. This data enables you to track the effectiveness of your Facebook ads, understand user behavior, and create targeted audiences for future advertising. The pixel also helps in retargeting, allowing you to show ads to people who have already visited your site, encouraging them to return and complete desired actions.

Conversions API:

Although this may seem like an overwhelmingly technical process, it can be simplified when broken down into sections.

Here is a quick rundown of how Facebook Conversions API works:

  • The customer enters the website.
  • The website must have a Facebook Pixel. Facebook Pixel documents first-party user data in cookies.
  • The server will save user information in the same way that it saves IP addresses, user agents, Google Analytics client_id, and other parameters.
  • When the user (with their saved user data) triggers an event, the server will make a request that contains information about the said event and said user data to the Facebook server.


For Facebook Conversions API, you will need to set up the following:

  • Meta Business Manager (this is a must, as you cannot use Meta Conversions API without it).
  • A Facebook Pixel with your website. It’s important to note that it should be correlated with the Business Manager.
  • The specialized Facebook App. This is an app for working with Facebook Conversions API, and it’s combined with Business Manager.

Why need Facebook Pixel and Conversions API for a sustainable business?

Facebook Pixel and Conversions API are not just tools; they are essential components of a sustainable business strategy in the digital age. By leveraging their capabilities, you can ensure accurate data, gain valuable customer insights, and optimize your marketing efforts for long-term success. In today’s data-driven marketing landscape, Facebook Pixel and Conversions API play a crucial role in building and sustaining a successful business, especially on the Facebook Ads platform. Here’s why they are important:

Tracking and Analytics: Facebook Pixel: It is a piece of code that you place on your website. It helps you track the actions and behavior of visitors on your site who have interacted with your Facebook ads. This data is crucial for understanding user behavior, optimizing your ad delivery, and measuring the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.

Conversions API: While the Pixel relies on browser-based tracking, the Conversions API complements it by allowing server-to-server communication. This is valuable in situations where browser-based tracking may not be sufficient, such as when users disable cookies or use ad blockers. The Conversions API sends data directly from your server to Facebook, providing a more comprehensive view of user interactions.

Optimizing Ad Delivery: With the data collected by the Facebook Pixel and Conversions API, you can optimize your ad delivery to reach people who are more likely to take the desired actions on your website. This includes optimizing for conversions, link clicks, or other specific goals.

Custom Audiences: The Facebook Pixel enables the creation of custom audiences based on user behavior on your website. This allows you to target specific groups of people with your ads, increasing the relevance of your marketing messages.

Retargeting: By tracking user interactions on your site, the Pixel allows you to set up retargeting campaigns. This means you can show ads to people who have visited your site but didn’t make a purchase or complete a desired action. This helps in bringing potential customers back to your site.

Attribution Modeling: Both the Pixel and Conversions API contribute to the attribution modeling process. This involves understanding the touchpoints a user has with your business before making a conversion. Proper attribution modeling helps you allocate your marketing budget more effectively by giving credit to the channels that contribute most to conversions.

Insights and Reporting: The data collected by these tools provide valuable insights into your audience’s behavior, allowing you to refine your marketing strategy. You can track the performance of different ad sets, analyze user demographics, and make data-driven decisions to improve your campaigns.


Overall Business Benefits:

Increased ROI: By accurately measuring what works and what doesn’t, you can optimize your ad spend and allocate resources effectively, maximizing your return on investment.

Improved Customer Experience: Data insights allow you to personalize your marketing messages and create a more relevant and engaging experience for your target audience, potentially leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Competitive Advantage: Gaining a deeper understanding of your audience and campaign performance puts you ahead of the curve, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and gain a competitive edge.

Facebook Pixel and Conversions API are integral components for businesses looking to leverage Facebook advertising effectively. They provide the data and tools needed to optimize ad performance, target specific audiences, and drive conversions, ultimately contributing to the sustainability and success of your business on the platform.

How is the Facebook Conversion API different from the Facebook Pixel?


Facebook Pixel

Facebook Conversion API

Type of tracking

client-side tracking

server-side tracking

Customer’s journey



Offline event tracking



Ad blockers resistance

Not resistant



3rd party

1st party

Data control



sustainability and success of your business on the platform.


Frequently asked questions by clients about the Facebook Pixel and Conversion API

Yes, we can set up pixel and conversion API for any kind of website through CMS (WordPress, Shopify, Wix, BigCommerce, Squarespace, etc.) and custom-made, but for custom-made websites, we need a little help from your website developer to enable the data layer.  However, if you want to set up pixel and conversion API on websites made by CMS other than WordPress, Shopify, Wix, BigCommerce, Squarespace, etc. we can do it.

Using both Facebook Pixel and Conversion API is recommended for optimal campaign data. Pixel tracks website behavior for a broader user journey view and Conversion API Offers more accurate data directly from your server, overcoming browser limitations. This combined approach provides a comprehensive picture for better ad targeting and campaign optimization. Facebook also implements automatic deduplication to avoid duplicate event tracking.

You might see data relatively quickly with the Conversion API. This is because the API directly sends information to Facebook’s servers, bypassing browser limitations. However, interpreting actual campaign performance improvements might take some time.

Yes, you can set up Conversion API (CAPI) without the Facebook Pixel. CAPI uses server-side code to directly send conversion data to Facebook, bypassing browser limitations. Pixel setup focuses on client-side tracking. While recommended for a comprehensive approach, CAPI offers an alternative for accurate conversion tracking, But it’s better to set up both Facebook Pixel and Conversion API.

Still, now, & Google Cloud Platform are the most popular for server-side tracking. You can use any of them but mind it both are premium. You have to purchase their server on a monthly/request basis.

The person who will set up your Facebook pixel and conversion needs to pay money and buy a cloud server.  

  1. See pricing
  2. Google Cloud See pricing 

Platform are the most popular for server-side tracking. There are many more servers that you find convenient.

We use Google Tag Manager (GTM) because Google Tag Manager (GTM) simplifies Facebook Pixel and Conversion API implementation by centralizing code management. It ensures easy updates, reduces reliance on developers, and provides a streamlined approach for tracking and optimizing Facebook campaigns, enhancing efficiency and flexibility

I need your….. 

  1. Google Tag Manager (publisher access).
  2. Website Backend – editor access for data layer enable (if your website is custom-made, we don’t need Website Backend access but need a little help from your website’s experienced developer to enable the data layer). 
  3. Access.

Simply bring a list of the goals or queries you wish to cover. Other than a desire to learn and get better, no more preparation is required.

Yes, we will fully support you if you face any issues with Facebook Pixel and Conversion API. We are always ready to provide 24/7 hours support to our clients and our clients are very satisfied with our support.

Final Words

We hope this article sheds some light on Facebook pixel and conversion API differences for you. If you need help setting up or using Facebook pixel and conversion API, please don’t hesitate to contact with our support. We’re here to help you get the most out of this great tool.


We hope this guide has helped you understand what Facebook Pixel and CAPI is, why we should use it, and how it works. If you need any further information, don’t hesitate to contact us.