Trusted Skill Shop

Grow your Business with Google Search Ads Management Services

Reach customers when they search with Google Search ads. These ads appear in search results, capture attention & drive traffic to the website. With this, you can reach relevant audiences based on keywords, & location, This article is a guide designed for beginners seeking to master the basics & uncover the best practices.

28 January, 2024

What is Google Search Ads? All Basics to Best Practices

To know more about Google Search/PPC Ads in detail and how PPC Ads help to grow your business, here are some important topics about it, and to know their in detail click on Table of Contents.

What is Google Search/PPC ads?

Google Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform, where advertisers pay for each click or impression on an ad. Search ads are keyword-driven digital ads.

With Google Ads, you can drive qualified traffic to your business as people actively search for products and services similar to what you offer. It helps increase website traffic and attract more visitors to your physical store. 

Over time, Google Ads allows you to analyze and optimize your ads.

How does Google Search/PPC ads work?

The way it functions optimally remains the same: Users who search for a keyword achieve the results of their inquiry on a search engine results page [SERP]. So, what does an ad look like? Here is the result for “toys for kids in usa”

Eventually, you will see the top of the SERP full of ads. These are the same as organic search results, except that “Ad” appears in bold at the top of search results.

This is a great opportunity for marketers because most of the trafficfrom search terms goes to the first results on Google.

Why Google Search/PPC ads?

Google Ads is a must-use channel in case you want to increase sales, raise brand awareness, test new business models online, or collect data. Why? Let’s take a look at the details about it.

Powerful platform

Over the many years, Googling has become a behavior that internet users use to research information and their needs. Brands advertising on Google platforms will be able to reach worldwide audiences more efficiently than other platforms. It will be a decline in your online business if you haven’t joined this biggest marketing platform on the internet.

Reach precise customers

Google Ads allows you to take advantage of the advantages of online advertising by showing your ads to the right Audiences, in the right place, and at the right time.

  • Keywords: Words or phrases related to your products or services used to display your adverts when people search for those terms or visit related websites on Google.
  • Ad location: Display your adverts on Google search result pages and websites in the Google PPC/Search and Display Networks.
  • Age, location, and language: Choose consumers’ age, geographic location, and language.
  • Devices: Your advertising can be displayed on various devices, and you can control which devices.
  • Days, times, and frequency: Display your advertising at specific hours or days of the week, and set the frequency with which when they show their activity.

A common example that many businesses use is running ads only from Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. That is often because firms close on weekends and operate at a lower capacity. This may optimize ad spending.

Target specific devices

Google Adsense allows businesses to choose which devices their ads will appear on. For the search network, you can use your desktop, tablet, or mobile device. With deeper analysis, businesses can target specific devices on the Display Network, such as iPhones or Windows. Delivery settings can automatically increase or decrease requests to devices as your site changes.

Pay only for results

Google Ads uses a pay-per-click (PPC) business model. So what is Google Pay Per Click? This means that advertisers who target keywords on Google will bid on other competitors using the correct phrases. This way, businesses save money by only paying when users act on their ads. 

Over time, Google Ads will analyze and improve these ads to reach more people, helping your business achieve its paid promotion goals. 

You can also customize your ads to fit your budget, regardless of the size of your business and the resources you have. Google Ads tools allow you to pause or stop your ad spend at any time, including monthly limits.

Track performance

Google Ads allows businesses to track the performance of their ads, including how many users see and click on their ads and how many website visitors take the desired action. Your dashboard will display information about your account settings.

  • Impressions: See how frequently any version of your ad has been viewed.
  • Clicks: See how frequently any version of your ad was clicked.
  • Call clicks: See the number of times potential customers clicked your ad’s “Call” button from mobile devices.
  • Verified calls: See how often you received calls to the Google forwarding number in any version of the ads.
  • Map actions: Track the number of times people saw your ad and then clicked your business’ pin on Google Maps or got directions to your business.
  • Analytics goals: You can use tracking IDs and tags to monitor traffic from your ads by linking your Google Ads and Google Analytics accounts.
  • Amount spent: See how much money your campaign has spent.

Types of Google Search/PPC Ads

There are many types of Google ads used for different campaigns with targeted customers:

  • Responsive PPC/Search Ads: Responsive PPC/Search ads allow you to make an ad that adjusts to display messages that are most relevant to your customers. When you create a responsive PPC/Search ad, you can include multiple headlines and descriptions. Google Ads then tests different combinations of these elements and learns which ones work best over time.
  • Call-only ads: Call ads are specifically created to motivate individuals to call your business, and they are displayed exclusively on devices that can make phone calls. When someone clicks on your ad, it initiates a call from their device directly to your business.
  • Dynamic Search ads: Dynamic Search Ads are a simple way to reach customers who are searching on Google for exactly what you want to sell. It works great for advertisers who have a well-built website or a wide range of products. Dynamic Search Ads use the content from your website to target your ads and can fill in any gaps in your keyword-focused campaigns.

Google Search/PPC ads specs

  • Headline: The headline text is what catches people’s attention first. Make sure to include words that users might have searched for on Google.

You can have 3-5 Google ad headlines (up to 30 characters each) to promote your product or service. These headlines are separated by a vertical line and may look different depending on the device you’re using to view the ad.

  • Display URL: The display URL, usually shown in green, is the address of your website. It consists of the domain from your final URL and the text in the optional “Path” fields.

The purpose of the Path fields is to give visitors a clearer idea of where they will go when they click on your ad. The text in the Path fields does not have to be the same as the text in your display URL.

  • Description: In the description field, you can provide more information about your product or service. It’s a good idea to include a call to action (CTA) that tells the user what action to take.


For instance, if you have an online clothing store, you can use phrases like “Shop now” or “Buy clothes now” in your description. Similarly, a service provider can include phrases like “Get an instant quote” or “Check out pricing” to encourage users to take specific actions.

  • Length Limits: There is a table that summarizes the maximum length allowed for each field in Google search ads:



Maximum Length

Headline (each)

30 characters

Display URL Path (2)

15 characters each


90 characters

For more details about all types of Google Ads character limits, you can read here: Google Ads Character Limit: Text Ads Guide for Beginners

What is the cost of Google Search/PPC Ads?

The average cost-per-click will vary across industries, typically approximately 1–2 USD pay per click. However, your Google Ads cost depends on numerous factors. These elements include the quality of your website and your bid amount.

Was asked 350 marketers to share how much they spend on Google Ads. Keep reading to discover their answers! Google Ads costs $100 – $10,000 per month with most businesses paying $0.11 – $0.50 per click and $0.51 – $1000 per 1000 impressions on average in 2024.

Updated 2024,

How to set up a Google Search/PPC ads campaign

An example of how to professionally set up a Google Ads campaign is given in the video. However, this campaign setup rule does not apply to all business situations. Every business has different strategies for setting up campaigns. Because, when it comes to campaign setup one needs to focus on various things like bidding, budgeting, keyword research, writing ad copy perfectly, location targeting, etc. So these tasks cannot be done properly without professional people and even if someone can, the result will be low conversion or zero conversion. So it is nothing but foolhardy to expect high results by campaigning just by watching this video.

How to optimize Search/PPC campaign in Google Ads

The following Google PPC/Search ads optimization strategies can make your Google Ads campaign more successful, so carefully consider them in your quest to run your business online successfully:

Track customer demand before launching a Google Ads campaign

Customer demand is an essential component of a successful Google Ads campaign. Before beginning any online campaign, consider the following factors to determine whether there is sufficient demand for the product or service you will highlight in your campaign:

  • Is your target customer looking for your solution?
  • What exactly are customers looking for? Customize your advertising solutions accordingly.
  • Do you offer an in-demand product or service?


You’ll be better positioned to launch a successful campaign once you’re confident that your offering has customer demand.

Optimize your landing page

You’re unlikely to launch a perfect Google Ads campaign from the start. You’ll need to optimize it midway through to ensure you get the best results. Consider the following:

Optimize keyword bids for increased sales. Adjust bids for effective keywords and switch if needed. Create enticing, scannable, and clear call-to-action landing pages with our advice for high-conversion success.

Nail the headline

The headline is the most crucial part of your Google Ads. After all, it’s the first thing potential consumers see. Additionally, it must stand out from the other listings on Google’s first page.

As a result, you must ensure that the title is perfect. Making captivating headlines is accessible in a few different ways. Avoid clickbait, as it can irritate readers and harm your company’s reputation.

“Trusted Skill Shop” has shown you all the Google PPC/Search ads best practices that a beginner should know.

Final words

Google Search Ads campaign is a powerful campaign type that optimizes bids and ad placements for maximum results. If you are looking to enhance your shopping advertising and make the most out of Performance Max. With our expertise and tailored strategies, we can drive targeted traffic and increase conversions for your online business.


We hope this guide has helped you understand what Google Search ads is, why we should use it, and how it works. If you need any further information, don’t hesitate to contact us.