Trusted Skill Shop

Ready to Broaden Your YouTube Channel? 

Increase Your Channel’s Statistics!

7 February, 2024

YouTube Marketing all Basics to Advance Best Practice

Best YouTube Marketing Agency

To enhance organic growth for a YouTube channel, “Trusted Skill Shop” focuses on strategic content creation, optimization, and community engagement. We Implement SEO best practices in titles, descriptions, and tags to improve discoverability. We make eye-catching thumbnails and create playlists for increased viewer retention. Consistency in posting schedules fosters viewer loyalty. We engage with your audience through comments, polls, and community posts. We utilize social media platforms to share content and encourage sharing. We analyze regularly to refine content strategy based on viewer behavior.

A holistic approach, combining quality content, SEO tactics, and community engagement, fosters organic growth for the YouTube channel.

YouTube is the best place for Marketing your Channel videos to reach more audiences and get more views & subscribers than ever before. With YouTube Marketing experience of many years, “Trusted Skill Shop” is one of the professional YouTube marketing agencies that has handled 50 YouTube marketing projects and delivered satisfactory results. At “Trusted Skill Shop”, our team of YouTube marketing experts has worked rigorously to ensure client satisfaction throughout making us the best YouTube marketing agency.

Marketing on YouTube

YouTube marketing is crucial for channel growth and earning potential. It enhances visibility, attracts a wider audience, and builds engagement. Strategic use of SEO-optimized titles, thumbnails, and descriptions improves discoverability. Consistent content, audience interaction, and cross-promotion on social media amplify reach. Monetization options like ads, memberships, and merchandise require a substantial viewer base, making effective marketing indispensable for channel success and revenue generation.

YouTube Marketing is the opportunity to create video Marketing That can attract more people to your content and grow your channel.

  • Audience Reach: YouTube is a massive platform with billions of active users, offering a vast potential audience for content creators to reach.
  • Monetization Opportunities: YouTube allows content creators to earn money through ads, memberships, sponsorships, and more, making it an attractive platform for those seeking financial rewards.
  • Career Opportunities: Successful YouTube channels can open doors to various opportunities such as partnerships, collaborations, and even traditional media appearances, contributing to a content creator’s career growth.
  • Creativity and Expression: YouTube allows creators to express their creativity, share their passion, and showcase their unique perspectives, contributing to personal fulfillment.
  • Global Reach: YouTube transcends geographical boundaries, enabling content creators to reach a global audience, and enhancing their influence and impact.

YouTube marketing and advertising offer vast benefits, including global reach, targeted audience engagement, diverse ad formats (like True View and bumper ads), measurable ROI through analytics, enhanced brand visibility, and the potential for viral content, all contributing to increased leads and conversions.  Here’s get YouTube advertising service and know more about YouTube ads.

Our YouTube Marketing Services

Paid Video Views

Buying YouTube views can enhance your channel and videos in so many ways. From skyrocketing your social media engagement to helping your videos reach their target audience, there are many significant benefits.

YouTube Video SEO

YouTube SEO is the practice of optimizing your channel's page, playlists, metadata, description, & videos. YouTube SEO can help optimize your videos for YouTube's search engine as well as other search engines.

YouTube Subscribers

Buying YouTube subscribers offers enormous benefits that give you an edge over your competition. The benefit of having more subscribers is that your videos are likely to get more views which increases visibility.

YouTube Watch Time

Purchasing authentic & non-drop watch time can be a game changer, influencing YouTube’s ranking algorithms, & accelerating your journey toward making money from content that is more likely to promote the channel.

Channel Monetization

YouTube monetization allows earn money from videos. Through monetization features such as ads, channel memberships, & YouTube Premium revenue, creators can generate consistent income from their content.

Like, Comment, Share

Organic views, likes, comments & shares enhance online credibility, boost visibility, & engage real audiences. These drive authenticity, & algorithmic favor, fostering sustained growth of your content or brand.

To induce a precise assessment of Facebook advertising costs for your particular campaign, you ought to utilize the Facebook Advertisements Chief or counsel with a computerized showcasing master who can analyze your specific requirements and targets. You’ll be able to set everyday or lifetime budgets for your campaigns and screen their execution to optimize your advertisement investing based on the comes about you’re getting.

Our YouTube Marketing Packages

Organic Marketing Management Plan

140 USD  Monthly

✅ YouTube Channel Creation

✅  Cover Photo And Profile Pic Creation

Video Optimization – 1 Video Per Week

✅ Custom Thumbnail Creation

❌ Keyword Research

❌ Status Posting*

❌ Responding To Comments

❌ Playlist Creation

❌ Video Backlinks Creation

❌ End Screen Cards Creation

✅ Information Cards Creation

✅ Video Tags Creation

✅ YouTube Analytics Monitoring

❌ Competitors Analysis

 YouTube Channel Monetization

 YouTube Channel Management

Organic Marketing Management Plan

250 USD  Monthly

✅ YouTube Channel Creation

✅  Cover Photo And Profile Pic Creation

✅ Video Optimization – 1 Video Per Week

✅ Custom Thumbnail Creation

✅ Keyword Research

❌ Status Posting*

✅ Responding To Comments

✅ Playlist Creation

❌ Video Backlinks Creation

✅ End Screen Cards Creation

✅ Information Cards Creation

✅ Video Tags Creation

✅ YouTube Analytics Monitoring

✅ Competitors Analysis

 YouTube Channel Monetization

 YouTube Channel Management

Organic Marketing Management Plan

350 USD  Monthly

✅ YouTube Channel Creation

✅  Cover Photo And Profile Pic Creation

Video Optimization – 1 Video Per Week

✅ Custom Thumbnail Creation

✅ Keyword Research

✅ Status Posting*

✅ Responding To Comments

✅ Playlist Creation

✅ Video Backlinks Creation

✅ End Screen Cards Creation

✅ Information Cards Creation

✅ Video Tags Creation

✅ YouTube Analytics Monitoring

✅ Competitors Analysis

 YouTube Channel Monetization

 YouTube Channel Management

Benefits of Buying YouTube Views

Buying YouTube views can enhance your channel and videos in so many ways. From skyrocketing your social media engagement to helping your videos reach their target audience, there are many significant benefits.

Grow your Subscribers

Purchasing YouTube views is a major step towards growing a loyal subscriber base. The views you buy are genuine and safe, so they are more likely to attract viewers that will turn into subscribers. It also indicates that your content is appealing and people are finding value in it, so when new individuals come across the video, they won’t hesitate to subscribe to see what more you have to offer.

Improve Credibility

Having high YouTube views adds some credibility to your content. As the views you purchase are non-drop and genuine, they reflect the real interest of viewers in your content. When potential viewers, especially your target audience, see a video with a substantial view count, it signals that your content is trustworthy and worth their time.

Reach a Wider Audience

Purchasing YouTube likes amplifies your reach effortlessly. YouTube’s algorithm tends to recommend videos with higher view counts, making your content more likely to appear in search results and recommendations. This extended reach introduces your content to a broader audience who resonate with your content and want to engage with your channel further.

Save Time and Effort

Building a substantial view count can be time-consuming and challenging, but by buying YouTube views, creates an efficient solution by quickly increasing your view count. This saves the effort required to promote your videos extensively and allows you to focus your time and resources on doing other things that promote growth for your channel.

Boost your Visibility

The number of views your video has directly impacted its visibility on the platform. Videos with more views are more likely to be featured in the trending section and recommended sections. Paying for YouTube views, you open your video and overall channel up to users beyond your immediate circle of subscribers.

Attract Marketers

Marketers and brands are always on the lookout for channels with a high non-drop view count so they can promote different products. Buying YouTube views can attract relevant Marketers by showcasing your active and engaged audience. This can open up monetization opportunities through ads and allow you to enjoy valuable collaborations with other influencers and brands.

Benefits of YouTube SEO

In today’s digital era, YouTube has revolutionized how content creators showcase their creativity and reach a massive audience. With over two billion monthly active users, YouTube is undoubtedly the place to be for businesses, brands, and individuals who want to take their content to the next level. 

However, with so many videos being uploaded daily, it’s becoming harder to stand out from the competition. Fear not! YouTube SEO is here to save the day. With its powerful techniques and strategies, YouTube SEO can help content creators increase their visibility, attract more subscribers, and grow their audience exponentially. Are you ready to discover the five amazing benefits of YouTube SEO? Buckle up, and let’s dive in. 

Increases Overall Visibility

Optimizing your videos for YouTube and Google SEO increases your visibility, making it easier for people to find your content. When people search for keywords related to your video, YouTube’s algorithm will use your video’s metadata (title, description, tags, etc.) to determine whether or not it’s relevant to the user’s search query.

Boosts Engagement

YouTube’s algorithm also takes into account engagement metrics such as watch time, likes, and comments when ranking videos in search results. YouTube loves videos that keep viewers watching for longer periods. By optimizing your video’s title, description, and tags, you can improve your chances of getting suggested to viewers who are more likely to watch and engage with your content. When you optimize your videos for YouTube SEO, you increase the likelihood that people will engage with your content. 

This not only improves your video’s ranking in search results but also increases your overall engagement on the platform.

Drives Traffic

YouTube is a powerful traffic driver, especially for eCommerce businesses. Optimizing your videos for YouTube SEO increases the chances that people will click through to your website or other social media channels. By including a link to your website in the video description and encouraging viewers to check it out, you can increase your website’s traffic. If you embed the video on your website, you can improve your website’s SEO, leading to higher search engine rankings.

This increases your brand’s exposure and helps drive traffic to your other online properties like your website or online store.

Builds Brand Awareness

YouTube is an excellent platform for building brand awareness. By creating high-quality videos optimized for YouTube SEO, you can showcase your brand’s unique value proposition and connect with your target audience. As people engage with your content and share it with others, your brand’s reach will grow, helping you to build a loyal following over time. 

Improves Conversions

Finally, YouTube SEO can also help improve your conversions. By sending more traffic to your website or other social media channels via your YouTube videos, you increase the chances that people will convert into customers. 

Additionally, by showcasing your brand’s unique value proposition and building a loyal following, you create a community of engaged customers who are more likely to make repeat purchases in the future.

Overall, YouTube SEO is a powerful tool for businesses looking to reach their target audience and grow their brand and it should be taken advantage of by you and your marketing team. Optimizing your videos for YouTube SEO gives you an advantage against your competition that is either not producing videos or not tagging and using the platform properly.

Whether you’re just starting out on YouTube or have been creating content for years, it’s never too late to optimize your videos for YouTube SEO. Book a FREE 20-minute strategy session with one of ”Trusted Skill Shop” Sales Consultants to learn more about how YouTube SEO can benefit your brand.  YouTube SEO is a game-changer for content creators who want to succeed in today’s crowded digital landscape. By implementing the right strategies and techniques, content creators can significantly improve their visibility, attract more subscribers, increase engagement, generate higher revenue, and ultimately produce better video content. It’s crucial for brands to realize the immense value that YouTube SEO can bring to their video marketing strategy. Whether you’re a brand, a business, or an individual, incorporating YouTube SEO into your marketing plan can take your content to the next level and help you reach your goals. If you’re ready to take your YouTube SEO to the next level, contact ”Trusted Skill Shop”  Internet Marketing today. Our team is ready to help you achieve your marketing goals and build a strong, recognizable brand on the platform. Get in touch here. 

Video View through Google Ads VS Video SEO

Choosing between Video View through Google Ads and Video SEO depends on your specific goals and resources. Here’s a breakdown of both options:

Video View through Google Ads:

  • Paid Advertising: Google Ads for Video allows you to create and run video ads on YouTube and across the Google Display Network.
  • Targeted Reach: You can target specific demographics, interests, and keywords to ensure your video reaches a relevant audience.
  • Quick Results: With paid advertising, you can get immediate visibility and potentially quick results as your video is promoted to a targeted audience.
  • Multiple ad formats: Use various formats like skippable, bumper, and in-feed ads to suit your message.
  • Scalability: Increase or decrease your budget based on your needs.
  • Costly: You pay for each view or click, which can add up quickly.
  • Potential for ad blindness: Users may ignore or skip ads.
  • Competition: High competition can drive up costs.

YouTube Video SEO:

  • Organic Visibility: Video SEO focuses on optimizing your videos to appear in organic (non-paid) search results. This involves optimizing video titles, descriptions, tags, and other metadata.
  • Long-term Benefits: While it may take time to see results, video SEO can provide long-term benefits as your video gains visibility over time through search engine rankings.
  • Content Quality: Video SEO also emphasizes the importance of creating high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your audience.
  • Potentially free traffic: Once optimized, your video can rank organically in search results, generating free views.
  • Long-term impact: Optimized videos can attract consistent traffic over time.
  • Brand building: Organic placement strengthens your brand credibility and trust.
  • Slow results: SEO takes time and effort to see results.
  • Competition: Ranking highly for competitive keywords can be challenging.
  • Ongoing maintenance: Requires consistent content creation and optimization.
  • Uncertain results: SEO algorithms can change, affecting rankings.

In summary:

  • Choose Video View through Google Ads if: you need immediate results, have a clear target audience, and are willing to pay for views.
  • Choose Video SEO if: you prefer organic traffic, are patient with results, and have the resources to optimize your video for search.


Ultimately, the best approach might be a combination of both: use paid ads for a quick initial boost and SEO for long-term organic growth.

Benefits of YouTube channel monetization

  1. Revenue Generation: Monetization allows creators to earn money directly from their videos through various income streams, such as ads, channel memberships, and Super Chat during live streams.
  2. Ad Revenue: Creators can earn a share of the revenue generated from ads shown on their videos. This income is based on factors like ad format, viewer engagement, and the geographic location of the audience.
  3. Channel Memberships: Eligible channels can offer memberships to their audience, providing exclusive perks like badges, emojis, and members-only content in exchange for a monthly fee.
  4. Super Chat and Super Stickers: During live streams, viewers can purchase Super Chats and Super Stickers to stand out in the chat or express support, and creators receive a share of these contributions.
  5. Merchandise Shelf: Eligible channels can use the merchandise shelf to showcase and sell their branded merchandise directly beneath their video, creating an additional revenue stream.
  6. YouTube Premium Revenue: Creators can earn a portion of the subscription fee paid by YouTube Premium subscribers who watch their content without ads.
  7. Incentive for Quality Content: Monetization serves as an incentive for creators to produce high-quality, engaging content as it directly impacts their earnings.
  8. Financial Independence: Successful monetization can allow creators to turn their passion into a full-time career, providing financial independence and the opportunity to focus on content creation.
  9. Access to YouTube Spaces: In some regions, monetization eligibility grants access to YouTube Spaces, where creators can use professional equipment, and studios, and attend workshops.
  10. Community Engagement: Monetization features like channel memberships and Super Chat enhance community engagement, fostering a stronger connection between creators and their audience.

While these benefits can be lucrative, creators need to balance monetization with maintaining a positive viewer experience to ensure long-term success on the platform.

Some tips on how to grow a YouTube channel

  1. Quality Content: Create compelling, high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.
  2. Consistency: Post regularly to keep your audience engaged and attract new viewers.
  3. Optimize Titles and Descriptions: Use descriptive, keyword-rich titles and detailed video descriptions to improve search visibility.
  4. Eye-catching Thumbnails: Design visually appealing thumbnails to grab viewers’ attention and encourage clicks.
  5. Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and build a community around your channel.
  6. Collaborate with Others: Collaborate with other YouTubers to tap into their audience and broaden your reach.
  7. Promote on Social Media: Share your videos on other social platforms to attract a wider audience.
  8. Utilize SEO Strategies: Use relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags to enhance discoverability.
  9. Create Playlists: Organize your content into playlists to keep viewers on your channel and increase watch time.
  10. Customize Channel Layout: Have an appealing channel banner, organize playlists, and provide a concise channel description.
  11. Utilize End Screens and Cards: Encourage viewers to watch more videos by using end screens and interactive cards.
  12. Stay Trendy and Relevant: Keep up with trends and current events, incorporating them into your content when relevant.


FAQ about YouTube marketing

Yes, it is possible to generate a long-term income by growing your YouTube channel. Consistent content creation, audience engagement, and monetization strategies, such as ads, sponsorships, and merchandise, can contribute to a sustainable income. However, success often takes time and dedication, as building a substantial audience and revenue stream may require months or even years of effort. Adapt to changing trends, stay engaged with your audience, and explore multiple revenue streams to enhance your channel’s financial viability.

Some strategies for growing a YouTube channel include consistently uploading high-quality content, optimizing titles, descriptions, and tags for search engines, engaging with your audience through comments and social media, collaborating with other YouTubers, utilizing keywords and trends, promoting your videos on other platforms, and analyzing data to understand what content resonates with your audience. Additionally, staying consistent with your branding and posting schedule can help build a loyal following over time.

Yes! We specialize in delivering high-quality, non-dropped video views through Google ads that enhance your online presence. Our services are designed to boost your video’s visibility and engagement, ensuring genuine, lasting interactions. Say goodbye to fake views and hello to authentic audience growth. Trust us to provide reliable, organic views that contribute to the success of your content. Elevate your online presence with our non-dropped video views service today! 

Yes, Google Ads provides detailed targeting options for specific locations, age groups, and genders. In the campaign settings, you can choose specific countries, regions, or cities for location targeting. For age targeting, you can set a preferred age range to reach the desired demographic. Additionally, you can refine your audience by selecting specific genders.

By leveraging these settings, you can tailor your video ad campaign to reach a specific audience based on their location, age, and gender preferences. This allows you to optimize your video views and engage with the most relevant audience for your content or product.

Using paid video views to increase watch time on your channel may provide a temporary boost, but it’s not a sustainable or genuine strategy. Paid views don’t guarantee engagement or retention, and YouTube’s algorithm is designed to prioritize content that attracts organic viewership. Focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that naturally resonates with your target audience. Building a loyal and organic viewership will result in better watch time, higher retention rates, and overall channel growth.

While SEO is crucial for visibility, growing your channel and earning solely through SEO may not be sufficient. Content quality, consistency, and audience engagement are equally important. Create valuable and relevant content, optimize it for search engines, and promote it on social media. A holistic approach combining SEO, engaging content, and audience interaction will contribute to channel growth and monetization.

To gain subscribers, we will create compelling content that adds value to your audience. Consistency is key; we maintain a regular upload schedule. We optimize video titles and thumbnails for searchability. We engage with your audience through comments and social media. We collaborate with other creators for cross-promotion. We offer your exclusive content or incentives for subscribers. We utilize SEO strategies to improve discoverability. We analyze analytics to understand what works and refine your approach. All this process Building a genuine connection with your audience fosters long-term subscriber growth.

To increase your video views and watch time, I will focus on creating engaging content that resonates with your target audience. Optimize your video titles, thumbnails, and descriptions to attract viewers’ attention. Also, we will Promote your videos across social media platforms and collaborate with other creators to expand your reach. Additionally, encourage viewers to like, comment, and share your videos to increase their visibility. Consistently upload high-quality content and engage with your audience to build a loyal following and increase watch time. 

To assist with monetization and maximizing revenue on a YouTube channel, I can guide various strategies such as optimizing video content for ad placements, utilizing YouTube’s monetization features like AdSense, sponsorship opportunities, merchandise sales, and creating engaging content to attract a larger audience. Additionally, I can help with analytics interpretation to identify trends and opportunities for growth. Requirements to monetize a YouTube channel typically include having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months, complying with YouTube’s policies and guidelines, and having an AdSense account linked to your channel.

For every 1,000 ad views, advertisers pay a certain rate to YouTube. YouTube then takes 45% and the creator gets the rest. Some subjects, like personal finance, can boost a creator’s ad rate by attracting a lucrative audience. (Jan 3, 2024) Source

Absolutely! By analyzing your content’s engagement metrics, such as click-through rates, time spent on the page, and social shares, I can provide insights into what type of content resonates most with your audience. Additionally, I can offer suggestions on topics, keywords, and formats to optimize your content for better performance and reach. Let’s dive into your analytics to unlock valuable insights and enhance your content strategy!

I prioritize clear and transparent communication with clients through regular updates and progress reports. Utilizing various channels such as email, video calls, and project management tools, I ensure clients are informed about milestones, challenges, and upcoming tasks. Additionally, I encourage open dialogue to address any concerns promptly, fostering a collaborative and trusting relationship. This proactive approach enhances client satisfaction and facilitates efficient project management.

Final Words

Earn money from YouTube through various monetization methods such as ads, sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and selling merchandise. However, success depends on factors like content quality, audience engagement, and consistency.


We hope this guide has helped you understand what YouTube Marketing is, why we should use it, and how it works. If you need any further information, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Compare packages > Paid Video Views








Video promotion to a targeted audience with Unique Views

Video promotion to a laser-targeted audience of people with discovery ads in custom regions

Video & channel promotion targeted audience size + target search terms, regions + Consulting





Delivery Time

3 days

5 days

7 days











It's worldwide video view's pricing through Google Ads. However, if you take a specific video view according to your requirements, the price may be higher.
This is standard YouTube marketing pricing and as per the client’s requirements, prices may go up or down.

Compare packages > YouTube Video SEO








I will optimize SEO-friendly title, description and keyword for 1 video

I will optimize SEO-friendly title, description and keyword for 3 video

I will optimize SEO-friendly title, description and keyword for 6 video

Delivery Time

2 days

3 days

4 days








This is standard YouTube marketing pricing and as per the client’s requirements, prices may go up or down.

Compare packages > YouTube Subscribers








Give you 1000+ Active Real & NON DROP YouTube subscribers.

Give you 2000+ Active Real & NON DROP YouTube subscribers.

Give you 5000+ Active Real & NON DROP YouTube subscribers.


1k subscribers

2k subscribers

5k subscribers

Delivery Time

10 days

15 days

20 days








This is standard YouTube marketing pricing and as per the client’s requirements, prices may go up or down.

Compare packages > YouTube Watch Time








1000 Hours Watch / 1-Hour+ Video Please

2000 Hours Watch / 1-Hour+ Video Please

4000 Hours Watch / 1-Hour+ Video Please


1k Hours Watch Time

2k Hours Watch Time

4k Hours Watch Time

Delivery Time

15 days

25 days

30 days








This is standard YouTube marketing pricing and as per the client’s requirements, prices may go up or down.

Compare packages > Channel Monetization


Full Package


Complete 100% Requirements for Monetization + 1 video promotion
Delivery Time
30–40 days minimum


If you are not able to fully monetize due to your financial problems, you can complete it in 2/3 steps by discussing with us.

Compare packages > (YT) Like, Comment, Share








1000 like + 20 comments + share + 1k+ views

3000 like + 40 comments + share + 3k+ views

5000 Like + 60 comment + share + 5k+ views





Delivery Time

7 days

10 days

12 days








This is standard YouTube marketing pricing and as per the client’s requirements, prices may go up or down.